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May 28: Your daily horoscope

BIRTHDAY TUESDAY: You want to reach the top, but do you have a clear idea of what and where the top actually is? If you define your goals with care this year there is little doubt that you will reach them, but if your thinking is sloppy you may get n

You want to reach the top, but do you have a clear idea of what and where the top actually is? If you define your goals with care this year there is little doubt that you will reach them, but if your thinking is sloppy you may get nowhere fast.

ARIES (March 21 - April 20):
The best way to deal with someone who bad mouths you is to ignore them. It may not be the Aries way - you would prefer to make life difficult for them in some way — but on this occasion it's the sensible way. Don't waste your time on them.

TAURUS (April 21 - May 21):
You will get through so much work today that it may seem to others as if you are possessed. In reality you have merely come to the conclusion that you have been drifting along in low gear for too long — now it's time to speed things up.

GEMINI (May 22 - June 21):
You may have the world at your feet but don't take too much for granted or you could overlook something important. Business and financial affairs are a particular area of concern. In short, trust no one, not even those you have trusted before.

CANCER (June 22 - July 23):
Focus your energy in a single direction and don't stop until you have created something truly worthwhile. With Mars in your sign there is nothing you cannot do, no task that is too much for you — but you must have a specific goal in mind.

LEO (July 24 - Aug. 23):
You may seem happy on the outside but on the inside you dread the future. Why is that? It's because you have been foolish enough to listen to people whose outlook on life is far too negative. Be more selective in your choice of friends.

VIRGO (Aug. 24 - Sept. 23):
The tougher the challenge the more you like it and that's just as well because you are about to be confronted with a situation that will require every last ounce of your intelligence and staying power. When the going gets tough, Virgo gets going!

LIBRA (Sept. 24 - Oct. 23):
Anyone who thinks you will compromise just because they ask you to obviously does not know you very well. If you are in a position of strength - and you are - why should you have to give ground to those who are weaker? You don't, and you won't.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22):
You may be stuck in your ways in some areas but in others you are open to new ideas and one such idea will spur you into action today. Don't worry that more traditional types might disapprove — you quite enjoy playing the villain.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 - Dec. 21):
There are so many pretty things you want to possess but cannot afford, so what do you do? Well, you either earn more or you spend less. Start looking around for ways to boost your income. The more you want the harder you need to work.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan. 20):
There is no point making a big deal of something that is of only minor importance in the greater scheme of things. Yes, some people can be so annoying that they deserve to be put in their place, but let others do it - your time is precious.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 - Feb. 19):
The reason a certain person resents you is because your strength of purpose makes them look bad. The fact that you have a clear idea of what is right and what is wrong shows up the lack of depth in their own thinking. Show it up some more today.

PISCES (Feb. 20 - Mar. 20):
Everything you do over the next few days will work out better than expected, which is nice, and everything friends and colleagues say about you will boost your confidence, which is even nicer. Do you deserve so much praise? Of course you do!
