You will need to find a balance between your work and your social life over the coming 12 months. By all means go out and have as much fun as you can handle but don't forget you have commitments too. There will always be those who depend on you.
ARIES (March 21 - April 20):
You won't know for certain how to get a job done until you make a start and see where it takes you. Fortunately, you are the sort of person who enjoys a challenge, so roll up your sleeves and get stuck in - not tomorrow or next week, but now!
TAURUS (April 21 - May 21):
It may at times feels as if the world is against you but it isn't true and as the cosmic picture shifts in your favor this week your outlook on life will change for the better. Believe you have what it takes to succeed - and you surely will.
GEMINI (May 22 - June 21):
It's not that you made a mistake that matters so much as you tried to pretend, both to yourself and to other people, that you did not. Everyone gets it wrong sometimes - yes, even a Gemini - so own your error and then put it right.
CANCER (June 22 - July 23):
If a partnership seems a bit too restrictive then maybe you should end it. That may seem ruthless but deep down you know the time has come for a radical adjustment in your personal life, one that puts you at the center of things rather than other people.
LEO (July 24 - Aug. 23):
If you feel that you are in some way out of your depth then ask for assistance. The real problem, of course, is that you don't like others to know that you cannot handle everything yourself - you think it shows weakness. No Leo, it doesn't, so get help.
VIRGO (Aug. 24 - Sept. 23):
Your interest in a project you appeared to give up on awhile back will be rekindled over the next few days and this time you should have the self-belief, and the know-how, to make a success of it. It's all about timing Virgo - so do it now!
LIBRA (Sept. 24 - Oct. 23):
Your self-belief may take a dive over the next few days as the planets start to emphasize the area of your chart that governs your fears and your feelings. Don't try to avoid the difficult questions your mind starts asking - embrace them and seek out the answers.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22):
Your freedom to come and go as you please has been hampered of late but over the next few days the bonds that have held you back will start to loosen a bit. Just don't go mad and start acting as if there are no restraints at all.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 - Dec. 21):
Try not to let annoying people get under your skin as the new week begins. Keep telling yourself that your success depends entirely on you and that you can safely ignore the critics and cynics. Their negativity means they fear you could succeed.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan. 20):
Whatever happens over the next few days, be it good, bad or indifferent, you must continue to believe that in the long-term everything will work out right. The way you choose to look at the world to a large extent determines what kind of world you see.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 - Feb. 19):
You of all people should know that nothing stays the same forever, nor should you want it to. Your revolutionary spirit has not been much in evidence of late and over the next few days you need to rediscover what you used to be so passionate about.
PISCES (Feb. 20 - Mar. 20):
They say that what does not destroy you makes you stronger and over the coming weeks you will get to see if that is true. Whatever trials and tribulations you face you must remember that they will be less of a trial if you face them with friends.