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Steven MacAskill - Colwood council candidate 2022

Steven MacAskill is running for Colwood council. SUBMITTED

Steven MacAskill

Are you associated with or running as part of a slate? If so, which one?


Do you live in the municipality where you are running, and if so, for how long? If not, what is your connection to that community?

I was born in Colwood and have lived with my family in Royal Bay for the past 11 years. I have gone to school in Colwood, worked and played in the Colwood area for my entire life. Last week I moved into residence at UVIC and for this term I will be splitting my time between UVIC and home. I will move back to Colwood in May. Colwood is my home.

What is your occupation, and for how long?

I am a full-time UVIC student studying at the Gastavson School of Business. I am in second year of my degree program. I have worked part-time, for the last three years, at the Alexander Mackie Lodge, a senior’s housing complex in the Westshore.

Tell us about your previous elected and/or community experience.

Previous elected and/or community positions include:

• President of the Belmont Music Department

• Member of Belmont’s Leadership Board

• Member of Sooke School District 62 Youth Council

• Director of External Relations for the Commerce Student Society at the University of Victoria

Why are you running? What’s your motivation?

Local governments shape the communities of tomorrow so it only makes sense that young people, as key stakeholders in the future, have a seat at the decision-making table. Young people bring a unique and vital perspective and I can bring that voice to Colwood Council.

I believe that working families are the backbone of a thriving community. I also believe that in order to grow a healthy, vibrant, and inclusive community, everyone’s voice matters. I am running to ensure the needs of young people and seniors are not left behind in the decision-making process.

What are your top three issues?

Attainable Housing

I support a thoughtful approach to increasing the stock of:

• purpose-built rental units;

• condos, duplexes;

• detached houses.

Expanding Public Transit

I support environmentally sound and sustainable solutions to alleviate vehicle dependency including:

• high-land-use mix;

• focused density along transit routes;

• expanded transit routes;

• connecting trails for foot and bike traffic;

• “Westshore Ferry.”

Sustainable Development

Sustainable development means making decisions that are science-based, environmentally sound and account for future population growth. I support decisions that:

• protect the watershed, and delicate ecosystems;

• ensure green spaces in subdivisions;

• increase collaboration between stakeholders to ensure schools, healthcare and public services meet future population demands.

What’s your vision for your community in 25 years?

I see a seaside community with stunning views and a variety of attainable residential options for young people, families, and seniors alike. I see a city that attracts employers who value inclusivity and sustainable business practices. It will have an accessible and efficient public transit network, providing ease of mobility both within and out of Colwood. I envision walkable and ridable trail networks linking residents to work, schools, shopping and recreational options. I see green spaces in each neighbourhood and areas set aside to protect and preserve important ecosystems. Most of all, I see my community as a role model to others because we will have made the effort to include all demographics at the decision-making table.

What’s one “big idea” you have for your community?

Colwood has an above-average number of young people per capita. Around 19% of the residents of Colwood are under 15, compared to the 16% in the rest of Canada (Stats Can. 2022). I think it is essential that we provide opportunities for these young people to speak their minds and to learn ways to constructively influence their future. It is important for young people to feel like that have a say in their community, even if they cannot vote. To this end, I am interested in establishing a Colwood Youth Council. This approach has been successful in larger jurisdictions like Victoria and 91原创, but there are no opportunities of this nature for youth in Colwood or the surrounding area.